There has been quite a bit happening.
Husband finished his Masters! YAY!!! That was back in June,
and I can’t remember if I’ve blogged about it, but I know it’s been awhile
since I’ve written, so I just wanted to throw that out there.
I did a boudoir shoot back in June. That was SO MUCH fun!! I
did for Hubs for our 6 year Anniversary. He loved it, obviously. I had a little
leather bound book made for him. And what did he get me, you ask…..a bike. Ha!
Yes, a bike. I told him a month before that I wanted one, because my old one
was on it’s last leg, so I give him props for actually listening and
remembering that I had mentioned something.
Chloe has turned 3. Yes, I have a 3 year old….it has been
crazy, I tell you. Her birthday was August 20th, and I swear, since
the week of her birthday, she’s just been a whole different child. Not in a bad
way, at all (sometimes) but just more of a grownup version of herself. It’s
rather weird. The things she says now, it’s like we are constantly having those
“Where did that come from” or “where did you learn that” moments.
For example, just last night, before we snuggled up on the
couch to watch Mickey before bed, I told her we needed to use the potty one
last time. She looked at me and says “But mama, I already went!” I said, yes, I
know, but I would like you to sit on the potty one more time before bed, please
and thank you” and she looks at me and says “Again?!”. Yes, Chloe….again…..and
low and behold, she peed like she’d never peed before. I’m thinking to myself…how
can you help THAT much pee for that long….goodness!
We are starting Ballet classes tomorrow. I am beyond excited
to see my little girl become a dancer. She loves to dance around the house, she
shakes her little thing like it ain’t nobody’s business, and she LOVES to walk
on her tippie toes. She loves music, she loves to sing, so this makes me think
she’s going to fit right in. And I got 6 dance leotards from an old friend from
High School, that that’s awesome. We got her some ballet slippers, and a pair
of tights, so she’s all ready to go! Tonight will be LOTS of laundry night to
get all that stuff + her new fall clothes washed…Oh boy!
Well, that’s about it. I’m going to try my hardest to get
back into this blogging thing, and I’m on the waiting list to get a new blog
design at the end of October, so I’m really looking forward to that! Hope ya’ll
will stick with me!

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