Wednesday, September 18, 2013

So What! Wednesday!

I know it's been awhile since I posted a SWW, but I figured today is as good a day as any to get back in here, right? I mean, since it's Shannon's first day back, and all!
So, today I'm saying SO WHAT! If:

  • I am in love with the fact that Fall weather is right around the corner.
  • I haven't blogged in well over a month. Probably more. But we all need a break, right?
  • I believe that summer months is a reason in itself to not blog. Too busy enjoying my family.
  • I'm ready to start picking out colors and designs for my new blog design for fall. I do it every year, and this year won't be different. And I think a new design will help me to get back to blogging.
  • We're thinking about taking Chloe down to part time at her day care and putting her in a pre school part time. 
  • Hubs and I are doing a couples boudoir shoot....yep. October 6th....
  • I think Dunkin' Donuts Pumpkin Latte's are better then Starbucks. But I do like the Starbucks Salted Caramel Mocha.
  • I'm wearing leggings, a cardigan and boots with a tank top's like Fall, but will be like summer....Not sure what else I could have worn. LOL!
  • We've been eating nothing but salads this week for dinner (and me for lunch) and I haven't budged in weight....UGH! WTF gives?! I need to get my stomach in photography shape in like 2 weeks....
Well, I think that's all for me today. Head over to Shannon's blog and tell us what YOU are saying SO WHAT! to this week!


1 comment :

Shannon Dew said...

UMMMMMMMM what is a couples boudoir shoot?!