Wednesday, January 1, 2014

SO WHAT! Wednesday!

This week I'm saying SO WHAT! If:
  • I didn't make any New Years Resolutions.
  • My Only "Vow" to myself is to be better at being healthy in 2014. 
  • We've been gone for over a week....and our house is a mess....
  • Today is our last day off work and we have to clean, put clothes away and grocery shop....Happy New Years to us!
  • I made an order online at Kohls before we left for FL anticipating it to be delivered to FL....well, it was delivered to our house, and it's all summer clothes. AWESOME!
  • Today will be full of me cleaning and organizing and grocery shopping while Hubs watching the Winter Classic on TV....Yay! #sarcasmfont
  • I have a mini heart attack every time Chloe undresses her new princess barbies.....GAH! OCD in me wants to glue every single little piece on every one of them.
I think that's it for me this week...must get up and shower so I can get all this cleaning and shopping done today. Head on over to Shannon's page and tell us what you are saying SO WHAT! to this week.


Carol said...

I didn't really make any resolutions either. I would like to lose my last 10 pounds of baby weight but if it doesn't happen, whatever. I am like you, just want to try my best to be healthy! Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

I don't make resolutions either. There are many things I guess I would like to do but if I make a set resolution its just something for me to work at breaking. LOL
Stopping by from the link up - Jenny

greeneyedkelly said...

I thought I was on Shannon's blog for a minute LOL. It looks like you had fun on vacation. Have a good and safe New Year. Miss you guys.