- It took me a whole week to get back to eating right and healthy enough to lose a little bit of my vacation weight. Yes, I only gained 3 lbs, but I know it's going to take me at least a month to lose it...
- I'm loving the fact that I can now ask (demand) the hubs to take Chloe up to bed now that he doesn't have homework to do all the time....oh I love that he's done with school!!!
- I'm desperate for some orders, so here it goes. Guys, As you know, I sell Scentsy, and I have to make a goal of $150 a month now, and if I don't within 3 months, I'm cancelled on the 1st of the 4th month....so, please! If you need/want ANYTHING Scentsy, I'm your girl!!! www.cseed.scentsy.us
- Chloe's 2.5 years old, and she's JUST now starting to like to eat what Mommy and Daddy eat for dinner. Thank you sweet Jesus!!
- Our downstairs bathroom is now orange, and I'm in love with it!
- I'm feverishly scouring Pinterest now because I'm in major home reno mood!!!! I want to change and fix EVERYTHING!
- I can't wait to get Chloe's room painted....and get stuff decorated! I'm going to make it her Big Girl room and it's going to look so good!
- Chloe shit on the floor last Friday. Yep, I said it.
- Chloe's been off and on with potty training.....it's annoying, but we have our successful days, so it's ok.
Head on over to Shannon's page and tell us what you are saying SO WHAT! to this week!

An orange bathroom! I love it! New follower from the So What Wednesday blog hop :) Would love for you to check out my blog too! Have a great day!
Stopping by from Life After I Dew.. I have an orange bathroom too and I'm still undecided. I'm happy you love yours!! :)
I have one more thing to do in KP's room and then the transformation will be complete! I can't believe it b/c I swear we were just planning their nurseries.
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