- I have an obsession with meal planning....I literally get a high from having dinner written down in my planner like 2-3 weeks out.
- I'm sitting in the dark, TV paused writing this right now while hubs puts Chloe down to bed....and I'm really enjoying just listening to the keyboard keys clicking.
- I can't wait to place my Scentsy order at the end of the month so I can try the new Spring/Summer scents! Who wants some?!
- I'm never actually hungry after I eat dinner, but nights when I know I can't eat....like tonight, because I have a physical tomorrow and I have to fast, yea...I'm starving right now. WHY?!?!
- We have an orange bathroom, and I love it.
- Chloe's room will be pink and white with black trim! I cannot wait! Next on the list to buy for her room will be a zebra lamp, and a name decal for her wall.
- I always say that I'm going to use coupons when I go grocery shopping...but I still haven't.
- Hubs kept Chloe home from school on Monday because she had a really bad diaper rash and cried to him that she didn't want to go to school because her butt hurt...lol! What a good daddy!
- We're going to try potty training cold turkey at school next week.....jumping right in, head first! Teachers said that they have had good luck with it doing it this way, so we're going to try it! Most of the kids in Chloe's class are wearing undies to school now, so it's time!
- Chloe stays dry when she's in a diaper and knows that she needs to potty, but when we put undies on her, she pees AND poops....I think she does it on purpose. Just to mess with me.
- I'm starting to think about what I can get Chloe to wear on her birthday! Must be something good with tulle from Etsy, I think! Yep!
Alright, that's all for me! Head over to Shannon's page and tell us what you're saying SO WHAT! to this week....
And wish me luck that I make it without coffee till my Physical is done today. Appt is at 8:30 :-( I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to get a Venti from Starbucks on my way back into work :-/

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