- I wake up at 5:30, take a shower
- I make sure my shower doesn't last any longer then 10 minutes....I'm a very punctual person
- I get out and put deodorant on, then face cream, then brush my teeth
- Then, if I decide to wear make up, I put that on next
- Once makeup is on, I take my towel off my head and put product in my hair
- Brush my hair out, and then I get dressed.
- Dry my hair
- Put perfume on
- Go wake up Chloe...by this time, it's no later then 6:20am
- Chloe and I wake up Hubs
- Chloe goes potty, and then we get her dressed
- Chloe brushes her teeth and we comb her hair
- We go downstairs for breakfast and coffee
- Chloe and Daddy are out the door no later then 7:05am
It seems simple, but somehow, some way it ALWAYS seems to get hectic. LOL!
2. I am on Instagram!! My name is crystalseed...and my 3 favorite IGer's are:
- Shannon Dew
- Kate Balla
- AP from I Love you More than Carrots
3. My daily "must read" blogs....Hmmmm, there are quite a few!
- Shannon over at Life After I "Dew"
- Laura over at The Every Day Joys (obviously)
- Katie Balla over at Loves of Life
4. You wanna know a little bit about my family? Well, Andy and I met back in '04. Engaged and started living together '05. Married '07, pregnant '09 and welcomed out precious Chloe August '10. Now we are living in our 2nd home, since June '12. And that's about it. Have any other burning questions, feel free to comment and I'll get back to ya!
5. Favorite Holiday Traditions? Well, We really don't have any traditions....other then putting the Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving. But that's about it. We're actually going to Florida with Andy's family this year for Christmas, so that might turn into an every year thing. :-)
6. And, last but not least....one random fact about myself?? If you have never read my blog from the very beginning, you wouldn't know that I am adopted. I was taken in by my family at 6 months old....and I didn't know I was even adopted until I was 21 years old....crazy, RIGHT?
That's all for me!!! Head on over to Laura's little piece of the world wide web and link up!!

Florida for the holidays? Color me jealous!!
Stop over from Laura's! How neat you were adopted!! I'm dying toget to Florida again soon but during the holiday it is the OnE time a year I want to be in good ole Indiana in the snow!! Come February/march tho get me outta here! Haha so glad to find you!
I am adopted also!!!
Hi there. Florida is great in the holidays, that's where I am. Without the humidity, and minus the fall weather. I love hearing stories of those who are adopted, my youngest sister was adopted & I just love her :)
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