Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Haven't seen THAT in awhile!

So, yesterday morning, as I usually do on a Monday morning, I stepped on the scale after I peed and turned the shower on to warm up. Fully expecting the scale to show at least a 1-2 lbs gain due to Aunt Flo about a day away.....turned out, the EXACT opposite! I lost more! I was UNDER 120!!! I haven't seen that number in like FOREVER! I think it's safe to say probably at least since before Chloe was conceived. I really don't ever remember getting that low since I've had her! I couldn't believe it! I was sooooo happy and so proud of myself. I have lost the 5 lbs winter gain + some, and I couldn't be more proud of myself. Now, I know that with Aunt Flo's arrival, I'll put on a few in water weight, but then it's time to get right back on track.
Now, truth be told, we haven't been working out. We missed all last week due to Andy being REALLY busy with school. He's in his last month.....well....less then a month now. His last assignment is due on March 18th. So this is the home stretch for him. We couldn't be more happy! So, I know that it won't make much difference for the beach body that i want, but to lose the weight is more of less my big thing. I could care less about the abs. I like my body just the way it is, and let me tell you....with the 15 lbs that Hubs has lost, he's looking mighty fine himself! He's around 186 now, I think....he says he wants to get down to 170 by the time we leave for Florida. I know that he can do it, and I know that it would be easier if we worked out, but he doesn't have time for it, and I don't like working out by myself, and I sure as hell ain't waking up at 5am if he isn't going to. HA!
So, there you have it, a post about nothing but weight....One of these days I'll be more interesting, I promise! Oh, and my birthday is a WEEK FROM TODAY!!!! Get excited :-)