- I didn't really like the 300 ab challenge when I did it before, because I'm not sure that I had great posture when I did it, but I think hubs and I are going to attempt it.
- I was going to start potty training last weekend, but didn't. I wasn't in the mood for it.
- I can't wait for this Saturday! I'm going to Spring Sprint in Lansing, and that means a WHOLE day away for Mama! I'm looking forward to it!
- I'm really having to think about things to say SO WHAT! to this week....
- I have spent a lot of money in the past 2 weeks because I know that we are getting our taxes back and I will just pay all my cards off at that time. Mama needs some clothes for Florida!
- I usually just put MMCH on when Chloe and I get home just so that I can get dinner started. I feel bad because I really want to spend that time with her, but you gotta do what you gotta do!
- When it's time to get up in the morning to work out at 5am, I always have a debate in my head....sometimes the bed wins.
- I almost didn't participate in SWW today only because Chloe was fighting bed time, and I knew that we wanted to do abs, and I just didn't think that I would have the time...but I MADE time. LOL!
- I would have felt left out of the loop if I didn't write this up and and link up!
- I kind of feel like a bad ass with my new hoop ring in my nose! But I love it!
- Me and my girl Mallory found a Groupon for $30 to get $60 worth of a tattoo....so we're getting little hearts on our ankles.
- I'm surprised at how many things I've been able to say SO WHAT! to this week :-) But I am done now.
- I have been warming my BBMB scent Sage and Sweet Grass in my Scentsy, and I'm in love. It's like the perfect green.....rain.....grass....spring time scent, and I love it. Spring is ALMOST here!
- I've already decided that I have an addiction to Scentsy, (obviously, since I sell it) but I'm really scared for when the new scents come out in March because that's just going to add about 15 more to my collection.......Oh Lord help me!
Head on over to Life After I "Dew" and tell us what you are saying SO WHAT! to!

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