Since I could remember, I was always a blonde. I think I started dying my hair at about 12 years old. When my parents went on vacation and I stayed with my sister, she cut and highlighted my hair. And ever since that point, I just liked being blonde better. (DUH! Blondes have more fun...) Well that got to be expensive. My hair grows like a weed....and the upkeep got to be a little too much. For awhile, my sister did it. But as I got older, and wanted it done more and more often, she wouldn't do it anymore. So then once I got a job I started doing the every 8 weeks thing. And as it looked AWESOME, it got to be really expensive. Because I wasn't just getting the little highlights here and there. I wanted my whole head blonde. So it was all over highlights.
Fast forward to me getting pregnant and hair growing LOTS faster then normal, and roots GALORE! NOT cute!! So I made the drastic decision to go back to my roots. Literally! I went brunette....and it was dark. But I fell in love with it! And that's how I've been ever since. So here's the reason for this blog. My husband LOVES me as a blonde, so I need your I stay brunette, or go back blonde? Here's a reference....what looks better??
You look good either way babe! The blonde is HOTTTT! But we are getting into the fall season so you may just want to wait to go back blonde if that is what you decide to do! Anyways, your a hottie no matter what color your hair is! ;)
Mwah xoxoxox
I say dark, it goes with you skin tone so much better! I think the blonde washes you out
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