I made a blog about my wedding, and got way too into all the negative and bad things that happened. It pissed some people off. I deleted the post, and I am going to try and make up for my idiotic fail here. I hope....
So The only bad things I can really say that stick with me are the fact that the DJ couldn't find his CD with our First Dance song on it. And then the bathrooms backed up. But that's about it.
My hair and makeup looked SMASHING! Thanks to my sister!
The Food was GLORIOUS!! Thanks to my sister from another Mother, and my mother.
The ceremony was amazing because of our good Friend Jamie who became ordained just for us.
All the guests had a great time, and all we heard from everyone was how great of a time they had, and how beautiful everything was.
The tent looked amazing, even though a wind storm almost blew it down the night before. But it was up and standing for the reception. Kudos to the guys that fixed the corner that collapsed.
So now that I've gotten that all cleared up. I think that we should talk about my gorgeous wedding shower. My Sister, Sister from another mother, and my mother in law are all to thank for that. My Sister and Sister from another mother (Lisa and Jennifer) helped with set up, and clean up and also took it upon themselves to buy things to make the prizes and centerpieces and all that good stuff. Everything was a beach theme and looked absolutely BEAUTIOUS!! Jennifer made a 3 tier cake with chocolate sea shells covering it. OMG-let me tell you! Girl CAN BAKE!!! It was amazing!! Everything turned out awesome!!
So, what's next?
The food for the wedding (sorry I'm kind of going back and forth here) I'm just typing things as they come to me.
My Mom and Dad got this guy to set up his grill and cook for us. So that was awesome!! Jennifer made her world famous mosticholli (thats not how its spelled) and there were all kinds of other things like chocolate fountain with strawberries and bananas and snacks too. It was awesome!!
So, the wedding shower, the hair, the makeup, the food, the ceremony, the great people that helped it go off with a bang...did I miss anything??
I will take this moment to publicly apologize to my sisters for the words that came out wrong in the first blog. I wasn't thinking, I'm new at this whole blog thing, and I'm sorry. I hope that you guys will continue to read.

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