So onto this vacation. We left Saturday morning. And for a 4 hour drive it wasn't too bad. About an hour before we arrived Chloe started screaming for pretty much no reason. We pulled over and I changed her and let her relax out of her car seat for about 10 minutes. That seemed to do the trick.
We were able to make it to the condo. So we got unpacked and then went into town to grab some lunch. Had some really good burgers, and got Chloe a grilled ham and cheese, that she really didn't like. LOL! She only wanted to eat our french fries.! So then we went to grab some groceries to stock our fridge so we didn't have to eat out everyday. Got a few things, and went back to the condo. We relaxed for a bit, and then took a walk down to the water. It was gorgeous, and Chloe LOVED it! She loved walking up and down the beach and watching the water and the animals in the water.
The first night didn't really go as planned as far as sleeping goes. Well, we really didn't have any plan really. We didn't know how the bedrooms would be layed out. So the plan was just to wing it. There were 3 bedrooms upstairs with 2 like twin beds or bunk beds in them. So that wasn't an option for us to sleep in. So we figured we would put Chloe up there. Well...that was a bad idea. LOL! Because she fell asleep in my arms while she was drinking her baba, and woke up during the long walk up the stairs, she just tossed and turned for the 3-4 hours before we decided to go o bed. So I finally decided to get her and just bring her into bed with us. Well...that was a bad idea. She screamed bloody murder. So after not being able to calm her down, I took her on the couch and just layed her on my chest in hopes she would be able to relax. She did, and we both got a little bit of sleep. Woke up at around 6:40 to pee and took her into bed. Then we were able to get another hour or so of sleep and I slept in a little after Andy took her out when she woke up. But the next 2 nights we just brought her pack n play in our room and we ALL slept soundly the next 2 nights.
You Live and You Learn!
The trip was amazing. And except for her not going #2 for over 24 hours, and then having a REALLY hard time when she finally had to....screaming her lungs out for hours....and no sleep the first was a very relaxing few days. Much needed!!
Meet Lenny. Daddy bought this for her on our way up to Mackinac City.
And that, my friend is the Mackinac Bridge...the one Bridge that I will NEVER EVER drive across!!

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