So as for the pregnancy, everything went pretty smooth....with the exception of the first few weeks. We though we miscarried. At about 6-7 weeks I started bleeding. I hadn't even seen the doctor yet because they won't see you until you are at least 8 weeks. So I called the doc the next day, explained what was happening, and they got me in that day. Did an ultrasound. Told us that either I had a condition where my uterus was like split, OR we were having twins...UH....NO! That's not an option! So after like 3-4 weeks of just freaking out we went back to the doctor to have another ultrasound done. Confirmed that we are pregnant, with just 1 baby, and it's perfectly normal and on track. So we were happy. Here I am, happy at 4 weeks!!
And then I found out that my cousin Shannon, who I haven't seen in over 10 years was pregnant too! Now THAT was super exciting. Totally gave us a reason to talk again, and reconnect. And now we have been talking pretty much everyday for the past like 2 years. It's been great!!
Here I am at 20 weeks....
I didn't really have any sickness throughout the pregnancy. I did get the flu a few times, or what seemed to be something to that effect. The puking and other stuff. But other then that, I was fine. I had a great pregnancy. I got REALLY big the end, I got to the point where I didn't want to sit, stand or lay down. Everything was just uncomfortable. It was horrible. I just couldn't wait for her to come out.
So, August 19th was my 40 weeks.
As you can see, I was HUGE!!!!! Humungo! Like I was shocked that she was still inside...I couldn't believe it. I went to the doctor and they checked me and said that I was still only about 3cm and like 80% effaced. WHAT?! Are you KIDDING ME?! "Get this baby OUT" is what I was thinking in my head! So I hadn't changed much in the week that I had been in last. So the doctor stripped my membranes and made the comment that he didn't think that I would make it through the weekend. They were planning to schedule my induction for that following Tuesday if I didn't go naturally on my own. I had been having little tiny contractions at work that morning, but nothing that I was concerned about. So I went back to work. No big deal. Got through the end of the day, went home and still felt just fine. No different then I had. We went to bed that night, and I woke up every hour on the hour to pee. As normal. And then 1:30 rolled around. I woke up with some pains. And I couldn't go back to I tried to pay attention at much as I could at 1:30am to see how far apart they were. Well...they were pretty close. At that time about 7-8 minutes apart. But that wasn't good enough for me. I tried my best to go back to bed. The bed wasn't wet, therefore my water hadn't broken yet. I was good. I wanted to sleep more. LOL! And so I tried to go back to sleep....tried, and tried and tried. Nothing was working. Finally, Andy woke up around 3. He asked if I was ok. I told him that I thought I was having contractions. So he got up and called the doctor. She asked how far apart they were. About 6-7 minutes now. So she told us to get to the hospital. So I hopped in the shower, Andy made us some food, and we got in the already packed for the hospital truck, and headed on out. We got to the hospital around 4am. Signed in and got to our room. I waited for them to come in and check me to tell me that we were staying before I called my Mom who was 2 hours away. They came and check me, and said that we were going to have a baby at some point today. So I called my Mom around 5:30am.
She showed up about 2 hours later, and my water hadn't broken yet, so they came in and broke my water for me, and gave me pitosin. A few hours later, the contractions started to get really bad. To the point where I started to cry at the pain. It was really hard to take. So that's when I got my epidural. O-M-G! My life was perfect now. LOL!!! So when they finally came in to check on my after that, a few hours later, the epidural was starting to actually ware off. I was starting to feel the contractions again, and they were getting stronger and stronger. Oh boy....BAD! I don't ever want to experience that EVER again. So they topped off my epidural, and waited a little while. Came back in to check me again, and all of a sudden they turned on the warmer over the baby bed and got the bed all ready for me to put my legs up and stuff. I asked what was going on, and the nurse just simply said "It's time to start pushing" So before I knew it I was pushing and breathing and Andy was standing right next to me holding my leg....this was the longest hour of my life. But yes, it was ONLY an hour before she came out. I cried a sigh of relief when I heard her scream. That was the best sound EVER.
5:50pm. 8lb 6oz Chloe Makayla

How did I not know about this little thing about TWINS?! I never knew they thought that was a possibility! OMG could you imagine!? I'd die!
I think this happened like RIGHT before we started talking. So that's probably why it was never brought up. But yea, I would have died. They told us that it was either a split uterus, or twins...well, it obviously wasn't Twins, but I do have a slightly split uterus. It's just like a little dip. Nothing major, and I think it may have been pushed out as Chloe bug I'm not sure it's even split anymore.
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