Friday, September 16, 2011

The day my life changed

Andy proposed to me in March of 2005. After that obviously wedding brain took over. Everything I thought about from that point on was wedding, wedding wedding! Until the day that I checked my Myspace....(yes, I said it...Myspace) and I had a message from some girl saying that she was my sister.....HUH?! Um, well unless your blonde and your name is Lisa, I don't know what you are talking about. She wasn't ANY of those things. She was like 14 years old, half black and well...NOT blonde. LOL! Her name is Shantell....and well, she wasn't lying. She was my sister. Half sister, but nonetheless, my sister.
So anyways, back to this Myspace message. In so many words it said that I was being lied to my whole life, that the parents that I know so well as Mom and Dad took me from my birth mother, and all this other stuff. So I kind of just put this to the side. I had a wedding to think about. I didn't want to be bothered. This girl OBVIOUSLY had the wrong girl. I messaged her back saying just that. "I'm sorry, but I truly, I think you have the wrong girl. I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help."
Well, that wasn't good enough for her. She kept messaging me and telling me all these things. I just brushed her off. Until she started posting baby pictures of me, and then adoptions papers and things with my name all over them. Ok, now I'm thinking WTF is going on?! I tell Andy what's going on, and he's just as skeptical. But with all this documentation and what not, I'm kind of a little interested to see what's going on.
So, after the best wedding EVER, and going on the BEST Honeymoon EVER....I take all this information to my Mom and am very excited for her to tell me what's going on. I pull up the pictures on Myspace and show them to her. Almost immediately she starts tearing up. And I look at her and the only words that come out of her mouth when I showed her a picture of the lady in question is, "yes, that is your birth mother."
So, 21 years old, JUST married, and I find out I'm adopted. BAM!! That's a bomb that I was NOT expecting.

1 comment :

Shannon Dew said...

I am still in such shock over all of that! Ahhh..I can't even imagine.