I remember when I was about 10 years old, she payed for Modeling classes for me. That was my dream when I was 10 years old. I wanted to be a model. I loved Tyra Banks...LOL! (I just laugh at that statement now) But for real! I loved all that glitz and glam...that's who I wanted to be when I grew up!! Well....obviously, that didn't happen. Being that I'm all of a 5'1" female. That doesn't exactly get you too far in the modeling industry. I remember a few years ago they did ANTM for the short girls and the shortest was um....5'5" I believe...ugh...that's NOT SHORT! I'm short! LOL!
Ok, so enough of that.
Back to how amazing my sister has been in my life. She's been my rock. And I wouldn't have grown up to be the person I am if I didn't have her guiding me. I'm very thankful for her, and I just hope that one day in the near future we can re-kindle that relationship that we once had. I would love for Chloe to have as great of an Auntie as I have in a sister.

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