And, now....2.5 years later - She's so smart, knows ALL of her ABC's in order! She can count to 20.....sometimes higher. She usually skips 17, and she usually says 21 before 20. But she knows her numbers! She is a pretty good drawer....well...for a 2.5 year old. LOL! Day Care says that she's one of the best with a writing utensil in her class. She can draw circles so well, and she loves to draw suns! She knows the letters that make up her name. We just started working on saying her full name. And she loves saying Makayla! (her middle name) She says Makayla Seed, Chloe Makayla Seed! And then she claps and says Yay Chloe!
She is a very independent girl! She had to do everything on her own, and if I do something for her, she HAS to undo what I did and do it herself. For instance....when she goes potty (yes, she's pee trained...not poop yet) she has to get up on her stool and turn the light on. I'm so glad that she is no longer wearing diapers during the day, because the fight we had trying to put her diaper back on after she'd pee was just ridiculous...she would try to do it herself....failing, obviously, and that would just turn into a meltdown. Panties are just so much easier. LOVE IT! We will probably buy one more box of diapers, because she still won't poo on the potty, but starting tomorrow night, she's going to be in pull ups at night. That makes me so happy. It's one of those things that you never think is gong to happen as a Mommy to a new baby....but when it happens, it's just a sigh of relief. When I picked her up from Day Care the first day she wore panties and didn't have any accidents, I almost fell to my knees. I was just sooo happy! We've been almost a week with NO accidents! Sunday, we had a TINY accident in the car, but she caught it, held it and let the rest out when we got home! I was SO PROUD OF HER!
She weighs about 29 ish lbs, no idea how tall she is. I'm guessing maybe about 32+ inches? Maybe....she's short. She's wearing size 6.5-7 shoe. She's in 3T pants and 3T-4T shirts...depending on the brand. She's got Mommy's hair, and it's annoying. For both her and myself. I usually just pull the front back into a pony on the top of her head or piggytails on the top of her head because she's got a MAD cowlick, and her bangs just DO NOT cooperate at all. Girlfriend is going to have some issues when she's a teenager and she's trying to get ready. I know I still do!
She says just the silliest things sometimes. If I'm going potty, she will come in and say "Mommy,you go potty? GOOD Job Mommy!! I so poud of you!" She melts my heart! I swear!
She's my mini-me. I swear, she looks just like me. Side by side comparison, you really cannot tell the difference. She's going to be a heart breaker. I'm so proud of her everyday and I love her more and more with each passing hour. I miss her everyday that I leave her to go to work, and it's brings me so much joy when I see her big bright smile at the end of each day. She's my pride and she's me whole heart.

1 comment :
AWE :) My son is 3.5 now and it's so awesome to see their progress and watch their little brains work! I won't lie to you though, everyone told us, when Dude was 2, that 3 was worse than 2, and EVERYone was right! The independence thing comes on FULL FORCE! But at the end of the day, it's still awesome :)
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