2 weeks ago on a Friday when I went to pick Chloe up from Day Care, they told us what if we wanted to just go for it and jump in with both feet, just to bring her to school in a diaper with underwear over them, and they would take her diaper off and just go from there. So, that's what we did. Nervous, but hopeful.
By the end of the day when we went to pick her up, we learned that she had 2 accidents, 1 poop and 1 pee. Not bad....a lot better then she'd done at home. So we took it in stride and did the same the next day....and by golly! She had 0 accidents. But she didn't poop at all. So, she had peed on the potty all day! So that was great!
Day 3 at school with no diaper went a little bit differently. She was in this stage where she just wanted to hold it all day, and she had 1 accident. They said that was completely normal, so we just went with it.
This past weekend.....SHE DID GREAT! (still no poops on the potty) but she didn't have 1 accident! We spent most of the day out and about, and she had no problems going potty in the public restrooms! So she's been amazing. Saturday she was having issues with pooping....she would try and try to go on the potty, but she just wouldn't do it. So finally we put a diaper on her, she pooped, and then went back in underwear. So we just have to work on that.
I don't want to get ahead of myself, but to say that she's 99% potty trained I think pretty much sums it up! She's done great, and as long as we keep working on the poop and keep on her, I think we will get it in no time at all!!

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