Wednesday, May 29, 2013

SO WHAT! Wednesday!

So What Wednesday
This week I'm saying SO WHAT! If:

  • We did NOTHING this Memorial Day.
  • Hubs helped his Mom and Sister do some yard work.
  • We got our Mulch and yard work done.
  • Chloe still has been having problems pooing on the potty...up until last night, she magically decided she wanted to. We shall see if that continues.
  • I got paid on Friday and I was broke on that. Stupid sickies keeping me home 2 days the week before.
  • We literally tried EVERYTHING to bribe Chloe to poo on the potty....even went as far as not letting her watch MMCH Monday night....
  • The only blog post I wrote/posted last week was my SWW post....I know I've been bad lately, and I will get better. It's just hard for me to sit and write when it's nice outside.
  • I finally passed the level I was stuck on in Candy Crush, so I've been obsessed with it lately.
  • Since we lost a majority of our food when our Fridge broke last week, the weekly grocery trip basically was just to replenish that, and I didn't get much of anything to cook with this week....oh well. I'll manage until this week's grocery trip and try to keep it on the cheap side.
  • It makes me sad that I can't help Chloe when she wakes from a night terror/growing pains in the middle of the night....but most of the time, all she wants is her Daddy. 
Head on over to Life after I "Dew" and tell us what you are saying SO WHAT! to this week!


1 comment :

Shannon Dew said...

Have you tried giving her a stool softener so that she can't hold it in?