Wednesday, November 27, 2013

SO WHAT! Wednesday!

Life After I Dew
This week I'm saying SO WHAT! If:
  • Andy took himself to the ER for the second time in about 2 months last night.....yea
  • I'd rather it be busy at work today then slow just so the day goes by fast...but that's not going to happen.
  • I'm undecided on which outfit Chloe will wear to which Thanksgiving dinner....she has 2 options, and I can't make my mind up.
  • Instead of trying to be good and lose a lb or 2 before the holiday, I've been being bad....really really bad....
  • I know I've said it before....quite a few times, but I'm loving Emeals!!!
  • I strategically picked my outfits for this week so that I could wear leggings and comfy cami with a flowy cardigan for Thanksgiving.
  • I'm considering maybe taking Chloe to see Santa this weekend so she can wear her Christmas dress from last year, one last time. Since we'll be in FL for Christmas, she won't be wearing a long sleeve, floor length dress.... :-(
  • I just painted my nails 2 days ago, but considering painting them again today so they are fresh for the festivities tomorrow...they are already chipped....
I think that's about all I'm going to say SO WHAT to this week! I hope everyone has an amazing Holiday! We shall see you next week :-) Head on over to Shannon's page and tell us what YOU are saying SO WHAT! to this week.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

SO WHAT! Wednesday!

Life After I Dew
This week I'm saying SO WHAT! If:

  • We got Chloe's hair cut over a week ago, and I'm impatiently waiting for the growth spurt to start.
  • My hair grows way too fast, and it REALLY annoys me that I have to get it cut/highlighted every 5 weeks.
  • I'm not looking forward to driving to FL in a MONTH from now...I just want to poof myself there....
  • I could not wait to watch the Originals....then I recorded 5 episodes and watched them all this weekend, and now I'm addicted and I can't wait for the next episode!
  • I bought myself a pink North Face Oso Hoodie for Christmas....from Amazon, 2nd day shipping because I'm that impatient....and Yes, I will be wearing it as soon as I get it. I cannot wait until Christmas.
  • I'm tempted to start packing Chloe's Florida bags....I mean, why not, right? She won't be wearing any of her spring/summer stuff in Michigan right now, right?
  • I'm constantly looking for tutu's and new leotards for Chloe for dance class....aaahhhh, it's an obsession now!
  • Chloe needs....YES, NEEDS a cute little Ballet bag. Any suggestions on where to find one, and not TOO overly expensive?
  • I've been obsessed with Emeals....literally, cannot wait to get my email every Wednesday! You could be too!!!! And right now, they are offering 30% off!!! Don't wait, Go sign up NOW!
Now, head on over to Life After I "Dew" and tell us what you're saying SO WHAT! to this week!


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Emeals 30% off

You guys, right now is the PERFECT time to get started with Emeals!!!! They are offering you their Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal early....
How would you like to be able to sign up for Emeals and save 30% off your subscription?!
Use code CYBER at checkout, and it's yours!!!
All you need to do is go HERE and sign up for whatever meal plan it is that you would like....and you are ALL SET!!
Can't get much easier then that, can it?
Let me tell you, I've had to much success with this. The husband has enjoyed every single meal I've made, the toddler has even eaten some of it! I call that a win!!
So, go check it out for yourself and see what you think. I promise this will make your life much much easier!


Monday, November 11, 2013


I've been a tad obsessed with meal planning. I've been known to complain that I wasn't doing the best job with this whole house wife thing....ya know...when it comes to the whole cooking stuff. Well, I signed up for Emeals and I honestly think I'll never go's amazing. I chose the Clean Eating meal plans, and well, as you might imagine, it's a bit more expensive buying healthy, not processed, clean eating items. But it's SOOOO worth it. And the fact that I get the plans emailed to me, with grocery list and all, doesn't get much easier than that now, does it?!

Zulily....simply because of their amazing customer service. I had placed an order for a pair of boots a few weeks back. I know ordering footwear online is tough because all shoes are different, but I did it anyways....and when I got them, they were TOO big. Like, WAY too big. I was bummed. So I immediately emailed customer service, and they got back to me almost immediately. They said there was no need to return the item...they would put an in store credit for the item on my account. Perfect!!!! I'll take it! I posted a picture of the boots on my FB and Bam! A friend from work wanted them. So I sold them. Can't go wrong with that! And now I have $29.99 to spend on something else from Zulily!!

May Designs Planner....I'm in love! Can I just say, that I seriously cannot wait for January 1st so I can start using it full time. I'm such a dork, and I cannot live without a planner. Even though I use my phone's weird, but I have to have things written down too. It's piece of mind having it in 2 different places.

So those are just a few of the things that I'm currently obsessing over. What are you loving??


Friday, November 8, 2013

Say Hello!

1. My morning routine is pretty simple....yet it always seems to get hectic.
  • I wake up at 5:30, take a shower
  • I make sure my shower doesn't last any longer then 10 minutes....I'm a very punctual person
  • I get out and put deodorant on, then face cream, then brush my teeth
  • Then, if I decide to wear make up, I put that on next
  • Once makeup is on, I take my towel off my head and put product in my hair
  • Brush my hair out, and then I get dressed.
  • Dry my hair
  • Put perfume on
  • Go wake up this time, it's no later then 6:20am
  • Chloe and I wake up Hubs
  • Chloe goes potty, and then we get her dressed
  • Chloe brushes her teeth and we comb her hair
  • We go downstairs for breakfast and coffee
  • Chloe and Daddy are out the door no later then 7:05am
It seems simple, but somehow, some way it ALWAYS seems to get hectic. LOL!
2. I am on Instagram!! My name is crystalseed...and my 3 favorite IGer's are:
  • Shannon Dew
  • Kate Balla
  • AP from I Love you More than Carrots
3. My daily "must read" blogs....Hmmmm, there are quite a few!
4. You wanna know a little bit about my family? Well, Andy and I met back in '04. Engaged and started living together '05. Married '07, pregnant '09 and welcomed out precious Chloe August '10. Now we are living in our 2nd home, since June '12. And that's about it. Have any other burning questions, feel free to comment and I'll get back to ya!
5. Favorite Holiday Traditions? Well, We really don't have any traditions....other then putting the Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving. But that's about it. We're actually going to Florida with Andy's family this year for Christmas, so that might turn into an every year thing. :-)
6. And, last but not random fact about myself?? If you have never read my blog from the very beginning, you wouldn't know that I am adopted. I was taken in by my family at 6 months old....and I didn't know I was even adopted until I was 21 years old....crazy, RIGHT?

That's all for me!!! Head on over to Laura's little piece of the world wide web and link up!!


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

SO WHAT! Wednesday

Life After I Dew

This week I'm saying SO WHAT! If:
  • I have about 6 bottles of perfume that I use on a regular basis, and I'm currently trying to get that down to 1-2 bottles TOPS. 
  • I do a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar everyday!
  • I secretly REALLY hope that it snows soon.....
  • I'm pretty sure I'm getting my blog redone this month, and I cannot wait until I get that email!!!
  • My mug that I use at work says "Mommy's sippy cup" and I wish it had more than just coffee or tea in it most days.
  • We have already gotten Chloe mostly done for Christmas! We spend $200 on her at TRU!
  • I feel naked without my rings. I'm having my engagement ring and wedding ring solder together.
  • I can't wait to get home and not have to make dinner tonight!
I'm done! Hop on over to Life After I "Dew" and tell us what you are saying SO WHAT! to this week!
