Since I can't wait any longer, here's the outside of it!!! |
Seriously, have never been so excited ever in my life!!!! Well, except for when we found out we were pregnant. But that was a different kind of excited. This excited, is like...ok. So, we're got our little family, but we need a bigger house. We have been looking and looking, and then finally found THAT house. Of course it was a short sale, so it was going to take forever! Right?! WRONG!
3 short months ya'll! 3 MONTHS! I can't believe it!!We got the call from our Real Estate Agent on Monday. I was home sick ALLLL day. Husband went golfing cuz he had the day off work. When we got home with Chloe around 3:30 ish, I ate some of the food he brought home for me. And then he played with Chloe while I layed on the couch. He took her outside, and then fed her dinner, and then gave her a bath. While he was getting her jammies on, his phone rang. It was the real estate agent! She told us that all we needed was the final approval from the bank. We should have that within the week. And they want to close sometime in May. So that's good news!!!Well, yesterday....Husband talked to her again. And THIS TIME....he got even BETTER news! Yep, so they want to close no later then May 3rd. AND......AND! We get the keys at closing!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?!?! OMG! I'm like going crazy right now. I can't even contain myself. This is going to be a whirl wind coming up here. Andy's going to Mexico for work on April 24th, I think....and then we need to get our house painted and fixed up for renters (in hopes that we have some) and then we'll need to look (and buy) some new appliances, new bedroom and living/family room furniture....and then get the house cleaned, (FIL is paying for someone to do that for us) and painted and then get all our stuff moved in....How we're going to do that, and be able to sleep there with Chloe comfortably...I'm not sure. But I know that we're going to be able to figure it out. This is what we've wanted for so long now...I can't even tell you how excited I am for it to finally be happening! It's crazy! But soon you guys will be able to see this house that I've been talking about that I haven't been able to post pictures of! How awesome is that?! Eeek! I'll definitely post before and after pics too. That's a must! Wait till you see it. You're going to flip!!!
So, the date we're looking at is on or before May 3rd! Eeeek!!!!
How exciting!!! That house is beautiful! May 3rd will be here before you know it! Congrats mama!
I am SO happy for you!!!! House hunting can be so tiring but I am so glad you found the one!! cant wait to see inside when you get all moved in. Congrats
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