Friday, April 6, 2012

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Saturday night Husband and I were watching the show My Extreme Affliction. It was focusing on OCD. Now, I'm sure I know what you are thinking. Omg, is SHE OCD? No....I'm not. Not technically, or diagnosed by a Dr. at least. LOL! But really, watching that show really made me realize that I am not AT ALL.
I'm sure you know people, or maybe have even done it yourself. You know....said those famous words. "Omg, I'm so OCD!" Or, "Oh, I'm just a little OCD" or Oh, it' just the OCD in me." 
I know I do. When Chloe was born, I seriously noticed a lot of things in myself that I had never noticed. So, maybe there is something about postpartum that makes you a little cray cray in the head? I'm not sure. But that's how I felt.
So the show had 4 different people on it that all had OCD, and it effected them all differently. The first was a girl that literally couldn't be in the same room as her parents or her brothers. She was afraid that they were contaminated and that they were going to contaminate her. After lots and lots of therapy, she was able to deal with her Mom being on the same couch as her, and her Dad was able to come in the room with her. She hadn't been home in over 6 months. Her affliction was only towards her family. She was able to stay with her Grandma. She didn't have anything against her. After her therapy, she was able to move back home. She was good to be around her family, she just couldn't go into a certain room in her house. But that was progress.
The second was a girl who was much of the same. Just felt that everybody was contaminated, and she couldn't go to school. Or anywhere in public for that matter. But her family was ok. She lived at home, and her family were the only people that she trusted wasn't contaminated. By the end of her time, after therapy and stuff, she was able to leave the house, go to a hotel room. Even have fun at a school dance. Crazy, huh? That people actually go through this kind of stuff.
There was a bit of the show focused on 2 others but they didn't pay much attention to them. Once was a little boy that was obsessed with asking his Mom if he was going to be ok. He was scared of not knowing what was going to happen. Had a hard time leaving the house. And the other was a girl that was obsessed over germs and being clean. She would clean her hands numerous times a day. If she accidentally hit a wall, of she accidentally hit a "contaminated" shirt in her closet.....she would need to take like 4 hour long showers. Couldn't open doors with her hands. But she got over it with therapy and medication.
But seriously, after seeing that show, I completely know that I'm not by any means of the imagination OCD. I don't have all these different obsessions that people have. I'm different. Everybody there own way. I don't take medication, and I don't need to. Sometimes, if things don't go my way, or if my morning routine gets messed up somehow, I do feel a little off, but it doesn't make me go crazy.
Do you have any strange afflictions?
I'd love to hear about them!



Annie said...

i hear ya lady! i used to joke around that i was OCD but after seeing so many shows (during the day while not working ;) ) i realized i am far from OCD!! these poor people really have OCD and it is a real disease. it makes me sad for them and i hope they get treatment so they can lead a "normal" life. i couldn't imagine going through what they did. i watched anderson and there was a girl that made me realize I was the furthest from OCD that i could possibly be.
i like stuff clean but i'm not OCD for sure ;)

Mallyycatt said...

I love watching shows like that because it helps to better educate you of the things that you might have thought you knew something about, but come to find out, you're not the expert you thought you were. They're interesting, and eye opening...

Afflications.. I have a huge fear of a few things.. Lady Bugs.. Butterflies.. And confrontation. I'd do anything to avoid anger in any situation or try to keep everyone happy.