Chloe, My sweet, sweet girl! You are the best thing that could have ever happened to your Daddy and I! I remember the moment that I saw those 2 pink lines. I didn't think twice about it. No matter what you were, a boy or a girl, I would love you unconditionally. I had always hoped for a little girl. I wanted that little baby that I could dress up like a little doll, the little baby that I could put bows in her hair, and then as you got older could help you with your clothes, makeup, boys....etc. And When we found out you were a girl, I seriously cried a bucket of tears....of joy of course! I was certain that we were going to have a boy. CERTAIN! Only because I had been praying so hard for a girl. But the Lord heard my prayers, and gave us you! And I'm so grateful that he did. You have been the best little girl ever. You're a complete Daddy's girl, but you love your Mama too! You listen, sometimes. And when you don't, and we ask you if you'd like to go into time out, you simply smile and say "Yes, please!" Good Lord child! You're only 2 and you are already a smarty pants! You sure know how to press our buttons....and you know how to give Mama a heart attack! Like when we go up stairs to take a bath and you run down the hall and stand right in front of the stair case and do a dance....GAH! I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life before you almost fell down the stairs face first! Scared the living day lights out of me, and I would have been devastated if anything had happened. So, now when we are upstairs, no matter what, I put the baby gate up in front of the stair case. You are NOT tumbling down those stairs, if I have ANYTHING to do with it.
As far as eating, you are like what you like, and you usually don't stray away from that. You like Chicken Nuggets, Fish Sticks, Ramen Noodles, Chicken and Wild Rice Progresso Soup (but you don't eat the chicken), Pancakes, Sausage, Waffles, Yogurt (only the gerber toddler kind...weird, I know. But you won't eat regular cold yogurt) Mandarin Oranges, Peaches, Pears, Applesauce, Animal Crackers, regular crackers of any kind, Cheese, Hot dogs, Mac and Cheese, eggs, hashbrowns and most any kind of veggie.....and I'm at a loss....I don't think there is anything else. You're not a big fan of meat....(chicken or beef). You like to eat Mama's eggs with toast and Laughing Cow cheese in the morning, leaving me with like, half or less....Thanks, chick! As for are a Milk and Water kind of girl. Never been a juice fan. And that's ok with me!!
You love going to day care! You love your teachers, and you love your friends! You even have a little boyfriend that you talk about all the time! (His name is Sam) and every time I pick you up (Monday's and Tuesdays) you have to give Sam a hug before we leave. It's the cutest thing ever! You are learning soooo many things at school too! It's unbelievable! You know your ABC's (for the most skip letters sometimes) and you can count to 10 all by yourself. You try to count higher, but I think after 11 they all sound the same and then you very proudly jump and say 20!!!!!! You just love it, and you are so proud when you do it. You love to dance and sing. It's seriously the cutest thing ever! You are a gabber! You love to talk....we understand what you are saying most of the time, but when you REALLY REALLY get into conversation, you start to just ramble off stuff and we just get lost. But it's really cute that you are trying so hard. I swear you come home every day talking about new stuff and saying new things. It's just amazing!
You are wearing mostly 3T shirts, and 2T pants. And 3T jammies, but the pants are too big unless they are the fitted kind. But the 2T jammie shirts are too small on you, so that's why I just buy all 3T. Just easier that way. And I know you will fit into them for a long time. You're butt is so small and your legs are so short, it's tough to fit you into any pants. So for the most part we just get the 2T and roll the pant legs up. It works. You're such a ham, and are a perfect little picture taker now! You love to pose and say Cheese to get your picture taken. Which I love now! Just need to get you to stay still for longer then 2.5 seconds. We will get there. LOL! Maybe in 10 years.
Chloe, Daddy and I love you so very much, and we want you to know that you are the light of our lives. You bring such joy to us every single day and can't wait to see you grown and learn every single day. And I hope that one day we can look back on this and you can read it.
Love you so much Baby!
Mama & Daddy

What a sweet letter your daughter will love reading one day!! I nominated you for a Liebster Award. Check out my post for today to see what it's all about...
So sweet.
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