Yes, this thing has been our God Send! I told you all before that since Halloween, Chloe hasn't fallen asleep in her bed at all. She refused to lay down. So I just took it as it was and would let her watch TV on the couch and fall asleep in my arms and then would carry her upstairs. Well....Husband and I were both to the point where we were just done with that. She needed to get back in her bed. So, Memaw bought her this Unicorn thing for Christmas. I had been looking at different options for different lights and things that she could sleep with, but hadn't actually bought anything yet. So, when she opened this thing up this past weekend, I thought, will either work, or it won't. So let's try it!
Saturday night we put her in her Jammies at Memaws house before we left to go home. It's about a 5-10 minute drive home and she almost fell asleep by the time we pulled in the driveway. So I took her inside, took her coat off and we took her upstairs to her room, Dream Lite in tow.
We put her in bed, and at first she sat right up and started fussing a little bit. I turned on the Dream Lite and showed her the starts and lights on the ceiling and told her to lay down and count the stars. So, she did that, and literally fell asleep instantly! I blamed in on the fact that she was super tired. It was after 8pm and she didn't nap that day (or any day that she's home with us).
Onto Sunday. Again, no around 7:30-8-ish, we put Mickey on the TV and gave her some milk so she could relax a little bit after her bath. Half way through Mickey her eyes were starting to get heavy. So we grabbed Lovey and took her upstairs. Again, put her in bed and she sat up and didn't want anything to do with bed. So we did exactly what we did the night before. Showed her the stars on the ceiling and she instantly laid down and snuggled up to her Lovey and pressed the button on the Dream Lite a few times until I said, "Ok, time to close your eyes" Tucked her hand in her blanket and she fell right to sleep! I couldn't believe it. Was it really this easy?! Has this really been the answer we've been looking for? It's been almost 2 months since we've been able to put her in bed awake and this is all it took?! Omg, I was dumbfounded and happy and excited all at the same time! FINALLY!!!!!
So, Monday night rolled around....we did bath, Jammies, Milk and Mickey, just the same as we always do. Monday is usually a late night because she actually naps at day care, so we got through an entire episode of Mickey, and then we told her it was nuh night time and she grabbed Lovey and we went upstairs. Laid her down, and she really didn't even fight this time. Took a little coaxing, but for the most part, she laid right down, pressed the button on the Dream Lite a few times until I tucked her arms in, and within 10 minutes, she was OUT! Andy and I snuck out, closed her door and BOOM! DONE! This Mamma is one happy camper!!!!!!!
I know it'll probably be a little while before I will be able to leave her still awake, but I'm ok with that. We will take baby steps. This is better then it's been in almost 2 months, so I'll take it!
Thank you Dream Lite! Best $30 ever spent!!!

I totally agree! My daughter was afraid of the dark and wouldn't sleep in her room alone (even with a light). We bought her a dream lite a couple of weeks ago and now she loves staying in her room. Best toy ever!
KP has that same one and LOVES it! I think it's annoying but whatever! It makes her happy! I'm so glad Chloe is back in her bed! This is huge! YAY Dream LItes!
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