- Seeing everyone posting pregnancy announcements really makes my uterus ache....but I know deep down I don't want that right now. So I just need to breath deep and wait for my friend to have her baby in Feb!
- I'm happy for Janelle that she came to terms with her Mom and decided to come back and take care of Jace....but lets face it, she will leave again.
- I'd like to watch the news or something in the morning, but the toddler kind of takes the TV over....with MMCH.
- I woke up late this morning so I'm writing this at 6:45 am...trying to get it done before I have to leave for work at 7!
- I was trying to type too fast and almost deleted everything I had to this point on the last bullet....I almost cried.
- I'm wearing Jeans to work today because it's jeans day.....and because I want to save my good jeans for this weekend, I'm wearing a pair of size 9's....no that's not what size I wear....yes, they are WAY too big. But they are skinnies, so they only FEEL big!
- My phone is SO smart that it runs all kinds of updates at night and runs the battery out to the point that my alarm doesn't go off in the morning....gah!
- Pretty sure it's going to be Pizza and Wings for dinner tonight. Andy's cousin from Chicago is coming into town....boys....yea!
Now, go link up with Shannon and tell us what you are saying SO WHAT! to today!

I miss the days of MMCH in the mornings! (now they put on Sponge Bob!! ewwww)
I totally feel you on the achy uterus thing. Everyone is pregnant now! And I was so tired of MMCH that I DVRed some Thomas the Train and now we alternate.
New Follower from So What Link up
Really like your blog style! I'm a Scenty Consultant also! Glad I found your blog
LouLou Laura
Sometimes you definitely need some pizza & wings every once in a while :) it's food therapy! haha
anyway I found you on Life After I Dew!! :)
I really like your posts!
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