Alright, now onto Scentsy. New month means new Warmer and Scent! And this one, I'm REALLY REALLY excited for!
The warmer is called Comfy Cozy, and here's why!
Doesn't it look like a comfy cozy sweater?! I just love it!! This is $31.50 for the month of December! I just love it! It's not TOO Christmas-y, so it would be perfect for all through the holidays and even after. It's just the perfect warmer for this time of year!
And of course you can't have the perfect warmer without the perfect scent to go in it, right? So, let me introduce you to Huckleberry Sage....
It smells like finding an unexpected winter berry patch -- tart ruby cranberries and sweet purple huckleberries dusted with silver sage. Trust me when I say this, I can't get enough! It's absolutely amazing! So, if you would like to hear my specials for December, leave your email in a comment and I will email you directly!
I hope everyone has a great week!

I bet my stuff will come today and I can't wait!
That was so sweet of you to do that. I know she loved it.
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