Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Up In Heere

Sorry I haven’t been very active on this here blog. I have just been living life! Andy is back in school now. He’s working on his very last semester! He’s so super excited, but at the same time, he’s very stressed out. He just wants to finish….and just be done with it! So, after March 18th, he will finally be done and we will have our lives back! We will be able to start some house reno’s, do fun things with Chloe on the weekends, and just plain live a normal life, which has been hard for us to do the past 2 years. So, to celebrate him graduating, as you all know, we’re going to Florida at the end of March. We are both really looking forward to this! It’s going to be a great time, and our first family vacation in over a year!
On another note, I did finally get my hair done! I am in love with it!!! I got blonde highlights, and short cut! So super cute, and it’s so easy to take care of and style now! Just how I like it!
And, last but not least, I cannot believe that I missed Laura’s link up yesterday!!!!!!! I seriously almost cried. I was so busy last night, with getting my hair done, and then Chloe wouldn’t go to sleep. So, yea, it was a big fat fail as far as blogging goes. But I do hope that everyone that had the chance to link up had a fantastic time meeting new bloggers and saying Hello to Laura! Hopefully there will be another one soon that I will be able to link up to! Gah, makes me sad L Anyways, I still wanted to do the questions….even though I can’t link up. So, here it goes…if anybody cares. LOL!

1.What blogs do you visit daily? Please list 1-3 of your favorites.
Shannon @ Life After I “Dew”
Katie @ Loves Of Life
And of course Laura @ The Everyday Joys!

3 of my favorites are:
Shannon @ Life After I "Dew"
Katie @ Loves Of Life

2. Are you on Instagram? If so, what is your user name?

Yep! Crystalseed Come find me and see all the cute pics of my daughter J

3. Can we find you on Pinterest? What's your Pinterest address, and what can we expect to see you pinning most? (recipes, DIY projects, home decor, etc.)

Of course I’m on Pinterest! Crystal_seed come find me and see all the awesome amazing recipes and home décor that I have yet to do….bahah!

4. What are your favorite blog link-ups to participate in? (weekly link-ups other bloggers have...any number will do...please link us to them!)

I would really like some ideas as far as new ones…..The only one I do religiously is So What Wednesday. But I do do Fab Friday sometimes as well!

5. Why do you blog?

I blog for me….to keep track of all the little things in life that tend to just pass in the blink of an eye. I blog to make friends and I blog for entertainment!

6. Tell us one random fact about yourself.

I have a bad bad habit of twirling my hair….I can’t stop. It’s pretty childish, and when I catch myself doing it in public, I get rather embarrassed about it.
