Tuesday, April 24, 2012

An Award, For ME?!

Well, I've received another award for being a great blogger. 
Thanks to Lindsay over at From Nanny to Family for nominating me!! How sweet is that?!
I can't believe that there are people out there that read my blog and really like it! I love that, and I love getting comments from people that tell me how much they love seeing my little girl, and how awesome my blog is. Wow, that's just an amazing feeling. I love it!!

Liebster Award Rules:

-Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
- Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
- Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
- Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed.
- Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.

The blogs that I want to recognize are:
  1. Mallory @ I'm Mallory and These Are my Thoughts-She's basically my sister. Like, for real....I've known her since she was about 4 years old. And she's an amazing writer. She's very outgoing and is a joy to be around! So, please...go give her some love. She's had her blog for sometime now, just hasn't been able to get it out there. Trust me, you will love her!
  2. Brandy @ A Little Bit of Brandy-She's a newer blogger, and I just recently found her on Shannon Dew's SWW link up. She's got great taste, and can even cook too! BONUS!! Go check her out and show her some love!
  3. Lindsay @ From Nanny to Family-I know she was the one that nominated me, but I would have totally done the same thing if I was the one that had gotten the award first!  Anyways, she's a newer blogger, she's got the cutest little girls, and she likes Wine. Well....I love her already! Go check her out!
  4. Audra @ A Little Bit of Rain-I just love her blog! She's got a very touching story behind it that you just must read! And she's got an amazingly adorable little girl that I just want to squeeze! What more could you want?!
  5. Melissa @ First Comes Love-She's a good friend of mine, she's got 2 sweet little boys, and girl is just amazing all around! She was there with me when I got my most recent tattoo too! How cool is that?! Head on over and give her some love!!
And, just for the fun of it, here are 5 random facts about me:
  1. My feet grew a 1/2 size during my pregnancy. Booo to that!
  2. Husband and I are considering being a one and done kind of family
  3. I'm addicted to Subway...only on Friday's though.
  4. I love mexican food
  5. I can't think of anymore random facts.....sorry guys!



Brandy Bruce said...

Thx so much, Crystal! You are awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so so so much!!

I'm not sure if we're allowed to "tag back" but i'm deff giving this to you. lol <3 you.