I seriously don't know what to do about this?! Will she break from this? Is this just a phase that will pass? Do I need to push her to break this? Do I just let this phase pass? I'm desperate to have my good bedtime toddler back! We have tried everything. We've moved bath time back a half hour to see if she gets tired earlier, we've tried reading to her IN her bed, but she just won't lay down.....she just wants to go back downstairs. And once she starts crying, it's all over. She just won't stop. I know that if we just let her CIO, she would eventually fall asleep....(maybe) but seriously, I just can't do that to her. I feel like she's really scared in her room in the dark and I would feel way to bad about that. But, let me say something else....she isn't in complete darkness. We have a battery operated candle in there and she's got a light show thingy on her crib that shows on the ceiling. So, she's not in the dark. But, if we leave her she just screams......HELP ME!
Has this happened to you? What did you do? Did it pass? I need some advise and help please! Ok...GO!

Does she talk about the Halloween masks? Kendall woke up the other night FREAKING out and like cowering in the corner of her bed and just kept pointing but never said anything. The next morning she woke up and kept talking about a caterpillar so I'm not sure if she had a bad dream about one or what but she was FREAKED. I just pulled all her bedding off, pillows, blankets, dolls, and showed her that there was no caterpillar and she has been fine.
Bedtime issues are so so tough. We have plenty of our own, my daughter won't fall asleep on her own either... When she was around 20 months old she became really fearful of her crib. We aren't really sure why but she hated it and would scream and cry every time we tried to put her down in it. We planned on her sleeping in a full sized bed and we already had a new matress for her so we put the matress on the floor of her room and transitioned her to that. She loves it and bedtime is so much easier now than with the crib (although we still have some struggles). Maybe now would be a good time to transition her to a big girl bed?
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