Monday, April 30, 2012

Decisions, Decisions....

I need your help. I can't make up my mind. Trying to pick different stuff for the walls for the new house. And it's HARD! 
Here are the rooms that I want to get decals for
  • Chloe's bedroom
  • Master Bedroom
  • Kitchen
  • Possibly Family Room
  • and Laundry Room
Since I have already posted what I wanted to do with Chloe's room, here is what I've found so far for the other rooms:

Probably Masterbedroom
Possibly the Family room?
Definitely the kitchen!! Love this!!

Yep, Love this one too!!!

Oh, and Yea, this is going in the Laundry Room!

Whatcha think? Yes, NO? I'd love to hear your ideas?


1 comment :

Kelley @ said...

Hi! New follower from the blog hop. I like them all! Cant go wrong with wall art :)