With absolutely NO intentions of switching her.....ANYTIME soon. I'm not sure exactly what came over us. And by us, I mean Husband. He went to lower her crib on Saturday morning, and then when he was finished, her crib had magically turned itself into a toddler bed....
"Well, what are we supposed to do with this?!"
"We're going to see how she does...."
"Alright, I guess...if you say so"
That's about the conversation that happened when I realized what he was doing.
Nap time actually came a lot sooner then I had anticipated. Normally she's fighting it at around 1:30-2:00....but today?? She came to me with her lovey, bucky (stuffed animal duck dressed as a bunny) and the TV remote. Basically telling me to change the channel to Sesame Street and she was tired.
So, I did just that, and literally within minutes, she was fast asleep in my arms. So, I carefully transferred her from my arms to her big girl bed and just hoped for the best.
And an hour and a half later, she woke up and everything was normal. It was awesome! I was so proud of her!!!!
And then the dreaded bed time came. I was not looking forward to this. I thought for sure she would fight it, and girl wouldn't actually get to bed until like 11pm....OR I would be the one that broke down crying telling Husband to change the toddler bed back to a crib like NOW! At 10pm! But neither of those things happened! We did our normal bed time routine....we watched sesame street on the couch while she drank some milk. We get up and change her diaper, and then we give kisses and then we lay her down and pat her back a little and then leave her alone. Well, we did just that, except that I stayed next to her patting her back pretty much until she was on the verge of falling asleep. And then I quietly slipped away. I thought for sure she's be getting up and following me out of her room ready to party, but she didn't. She just turned her head the other way, and we didn't hear a peep out of her until the next morning.
Husband actually opened her door before she woke up, that way when she did wake up she could come out whenever she wanted to.
So, that's that. So far so good. She's officially in a Toddler Bed. I didn't have ANY intentions on this transition until WELL after we moved. But with her moving to room 4 on Monday at Day Care, and starting the Potty Training process, I think it was a good move.
Also with us going to Maine in July, and there not going to be a crib for her to sleep in, this will get her used to that. So we will have a good sleeper on vacation. Nothing worse then a not sleeping/tired/cranky toddler on vacation!!

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