So, Friday....Husband and I are texting back and forth about different things. And he tells me that since I've been working so hard on this whole weight loss thing, he is planning on giving me $300-$400 for a new wardrobe once we know for sure that we're getting this house so that I can fill our new closet space! Eeeeek! Are you shitting me?! (Those were my exact words back to him!!) How freaking amazing is that?! My Husband is the best man on this planet, and that's all their is too it! I love him more then anything. He's been there for me through everything, stayed with me through all my toughest times and couldn't be more of a support to me. And he's an amazing Daddy to our little ray of sunshine! <3 So, as soon as we get the final word on this stupid house shit that is making us both go mad....I'll have a post about my shopping trip! I cannot WAIT!

What a sweet man! Love that!!!
That's awesome! 10 points for Andy!
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