Sometimes I really I cut out for this shit? It's hard to say. I mean, I love my daughter. More then I could love anybody in this world....(besides my Hubs, of course) and I would give her anything and do anything for her! She's my life! But this damn Toddler thing just gets to me sometimes. One day she's a sweet as pie. Does everything right, naps at the perfect time, even comes to me when she's wet! Like, why can't you be like that EVERYDAY?!?! And then there are the days when she just wakes up and I'm like Oh NO! Please, just go back to're not ready to face the day today....lets just press restart!
Let's talk about eating: My girl can eat. When she feels like it. But sometimes, it's a whole lot of nothingness going in that belly of hers. But there is really nothing else that I can do. I try EVERYTHING, and when I've pretty much fed everything I've made for her to the trash can, all I have left is a nutrigrain bar, and boy oh boy does she gobble that up?! Ok, whatever you say kid...if that's what you want, that's what you get!
Nap Time: Ok. So you are all aware that we made the big switchero to the toddler bed a few weeks ago. And Chloe has done GREAT! She hasn't fallen out of it ONCE, and we've only really had a few instances of her getting out of bed at bed time, but she went right back down, no problem! Nap time usually goes a little something like this. We eat lunch, and then she gets her milk, and she usually grabs Lovey and Bucky and comes over to me and hands me the remote. That means she wants to watch either Sesame Street or MMCH and relax for a little while before nap time. And then sometimes she will fall asleep in my arms, and other times I will have to rub her back a little bit to fall asleep in her bed. Either way. For the most part, she's a fantastic sleeper! And bed time is no exception. Sometimes it takes 20 minutes, sometimes it takes 40 minutes. But once she's asleep, she's out for the night. THANK GOD! But seriously, when she's like RIGHT THERE! Just about ready to close her eyes and drift off into dreamland, BOOM! She picks her head up and flips around....GAH! JUST GO TO SLEEP, KID!!!!! Seems like she does anything and everything just to stay awake. When she really is making it harder on herself.
Day Care: I know that I've said it a time or two....I literally HATE that somebody else is raising my child. Husband says that he doesn't feel the same way. I do, and I don't. I know the toddler interaction is good for her. I know that she's learning and growing and that they take really good care of her there. And that melts my heart. But I hate giving these people money to watch my child. Because that could me money that I could spend on her/save and I could be the one raising her....that would be ideal, but right now we can't do that.
My girl is really the light to my everyday! She's my sunshine and she's what makes me complete. She's the one that made me a Mommy, and she makes me so proud every single day! She learns and discovers more and more every day, and I love the look on her face when she figures something out. And how she says "Yayyyyy" and claps! It's just the cutest thing. Or how when we ask her a yes or no question, and she answers correctly. It's just amazing! She's been such a good girl lately with us being sick. It seems as though she really understands. And I really appreciate that from her! She's a good girl, and I love her with all of my heart!
I had the food convo w/my girlfriend yesterday {she has a 9 month old} and she's wondering what to feed him. I told her to just feed him what you know he likes, same goes w/Chloe! You'll save yourself a lot of frustration and eventually she will try something new!
I read something once that said when you have a picky eater, fill an ice cube tray with a small amount of a bunch of different foods, and let her pick what she wants. I wouldn't sweat it. At least it's a nutrigrain bar, and not candy... there's at least a small amount of nutritional value there, right? lol
The daycare thing is tough. That's exactly how I felt when I was working. It hasn't been easy staying at home, but it's been worth it.
Picky eaters are so tough!! I just keep trying and trying...hopefully sometime they will cave:)
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