- My Mothers Day was eh, this year. Don't get my wrong, the gifts and love from my Lives were great and amazing! But my girl was sick....so that just SUCKED!
- Since Chloe isn't like deathly sick, I can say this...I'm glad that she's got whatever she's got, because I was able to stay home with her on Monday, and Daddy was able to spend the day with her on Tuesday and today!
- Chloe got some "baby crocs" because they are totes adorbs AND very easy wearing for a toddler! No fuss, no muss cleaning and slipping on and off. Oh, and NO socks required!
- I'm writing this post with my screen split. On the left is MMCH on youtube for Chloe and on the right I'm working on this post....And honestly, it's working out perfectly. Chloe is just sitting next to me with her head on my shoulder!
- I'm now thinking that we might have to change our minds about Chloe's 2nd birthday theme...she's OBSESSED with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...hmmm
- I'm going to end this SWW post now because I just had an email pop up with BAD news on the house that we were waiting on....a post to come.
Go link up with Shannon and say SO WHAT! to all the stupid BS that you had to deal with this week.

SEE!!! MMC is where it's AT!!!!
I am addicted to my work screens - I have two so when I get home I am a little bummed at my lack of multi-tasking!
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