- I kind of feel like doing one of those "Nah nah nah boo boo! Cuz we're leaving for Florida tomorrow!
- Every time I type Florida, I want to type Floriday! Like Florida and Yay put together....
- I've been packed since Sunday....Chloe since like last week sometime.
- I may or may not have packed and repacked my bag 2-3 times....Just to make sure everything was in there...all 36 outfits for the 7 days we will be gone.
- This might be my last real post until I get back from Florida. Unless I get some down time and decide to upload some beach pics.
- I say this will be my last post, but I'm sure I'll manage a SWW post next week too.
- I'm having a hard time figuring out what I want to put in Chloe's Easter Basket....I think I'll wait and shop when we're in FL in hopes of finding some cool stuff I wouldn't have found here.
- When I went grocery shopping this weekend, I didn't get anything for lunch for the 3 days of work....Fail!
- I was a giddy Mom when Chloe finally let me put footie jams on her the other day! So, now I'm all happy because that's what she's wearing the night before we leave so I can put her in the car all nice and cozy in her footies and not have to change her and just throw a blanket over her!
- Even though I know I can't read in the car, I'm going to try and read on my Kindle on the way down to FL so I can (gasp) finish 50 Shades Freed......
That's all for me. Head over to Shannon's blog and tell us what you are saying SO WHAT to this week!