Some of my firsts...
1. First thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Go to the bathroom. And as of late, weigh myself
2. First thing you do when you get home from work? It depends on if I have Chloe with me....if she is,
then I get her something started for dinner. If not, then I relax and maybe clean up a little or get on the
computer until Andy and Chloe get home.
then I get her something started for dinner. If not, then I relax and maybe clean up a little or get on the
computer until Andy and Chloe get home.
3. First kiss? Uh.....first boyfriend. Honestly, this happened in 6th grade....I'm not proud of it. LOL!
But if it makes you feel better, I was with this same kid up until my sophomore year of high school.
But if it makes you feel better, I was with this same kid up until my sophomore year of high school.
4. First home? With Andy. 2 bedroom, 1 bath home....still love that place, but we're renting it out now!
5. First car? I think it was a 1990 (something) Ford Tempo
6. First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? A vet.
7. First choice beverage? Any kind of coffee drink. Or diet coke
8. First choice dessert? Tiramisu, or Creme Brulee
9. First choice of a restaurant? Oh goodness, I don't know. It depends on my mood. I love anything and
10. First song that comes to mind? Thrift Shop
11. First major purchase? Uhhhh...I haven't ever really bought anything super expensive
except my lap top and my kindle....and those aren't expensive things. LOL!
except my lap top and my kindle....and those aren't expensive things. LOL!
12. First job? A & W
13. First time you flew on a plane? 2004 New York with Andy
14. First real "big girl" job? CVS in 2006. I'm not sure I would consider that a big girl job though.
I hated it.
I hated it.

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