Linking up with the always Fabulous and ridiculously adorable Mommy and preggo, Laura to tell you all what's fabulous in my life right now!
- Weight Loss - Slowly but surely I'm losing the weight that I want to lose for our Florida trip at the end of March! I'm so happy about the way it's coming off. First goal was to hit 120, and now that I've surpassed that, I'm going for 115! I know that I can do it! I know that once we get to Florida and are in vaca mode, we're going to gain a little bit back, but I fully intend to keep with the MFP and try to keep working out (or shall I say, start) while we're down there.
- Pants that haven't fit in 3 years - To add to the first bullet point on losing the weight, I was able to fit into a pair of pants that haven't really fit me since before Chloe was conceived. That was an amazing feeling yesterday! For the past few months, I feel like I've worn nothing but leggings and stretchy pants....and yesterday I was just not in the mood for leggings. So glad I took that leap. Made me a happy girl!
- Potty Training - We aren't really training, per say, but she's now telling us when she needs to go, sometimes....sometimes it's after she's already gone, but that's a major step for us! She's understanding more and more that she's wet and needs to be changed. And she's actually interested in sitting on the potty more and more now. So I feel like we're getting somewhere. And that makes me happy. Will we be trained before we go to Florida, probably not. But that's ok with me.
- New Room at Day Care - She's loving it! And let me tell you, I think it's that she's trying to keep up with the big kids, but good lawd, she's tried at night, and I love it! She hasn't really been fighting bed time....(except last night) but I think that was our fault. But she's doing great, her teachers are great, and once she gets settled in her new room, they are going to REALLY push potty training! And I think that when she sees all her friends going potty and wearing undies and using the potty on a norm, she's going to get it and do it right along with them! I cannot wait! No more diapers in our near future!
- And last but not least....Tuesday is my birthday! I'm actually pretty excited. I get the day off work....PAID! And Hubs is taking the day off work to spend it with me while Chloe goes to day care. I cannot wait! We're actually going to get our eyes checked together. HA! That should be interesting....his first time every getting his eyes checked, and well, I'm going because I need new glasses. So it should be fun. Lunch at PF Changs, and it should be a good day!
1 comment :
Congrats on the weight lost! I get so excited when I loose half a pound! and you must be skinny because I'm 130 but would love to be 125!
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