HFMD usually affects infants and children, and is quite common. It is moderately contagious and is spread through direct contact with the mucus, saliva, or feces of an infected person. It typically occurs in small epidemics in nursery schools or kindergartens, usually during the summer and autumn months. The usual incubation period is 3–7 days.
Ok, I know you are probably thinking....why are you giving me the definition to this disease?? The answer to that is, Chloe has had this twice in the past, and just this past week came in contact with it for the 3rd time. Husband and I have never had any problems with catching it in the past, and it's not very common for adults to catch it. But, we did this time. And it's bad. It's horrible. It's not comfortable. AT ALL! Chloe was out of day care all last week. First she has a fever and didn't have much of an appetite. Took her to the Dr last Monday and he just said that she had a sore throat, so it was probably just a virus. So there was nothing they could do. Just give her motrin and lots of lovin'! So, we did that....and then within about a day or so started noticing the red blisters on her hands and feet. She actually first broke out of her back and that's why we thought that it wasn't the HFM. But we were wrong. So, anyways.....Took her back to the Dr on Thursday and he confirmed it IS HFM. So by that time she was pretty much all done with it. We just had to wait for the rash to go away.
So, fast forward a little bit to Thursday night. Husband texted me that he wasn't feeling good at work. I of course was just like whatever, your paranoid, Chloe's been sick, and you always think you are going to get sick when she does. So whatever. So, when he got home, he took his temperature and he was at about 100 ish. Within about 2 hours I was on the same road. My temperature shot up to about 101-102 and I was feeling miserable. Thank God it waited until Chloe was asleep so we could be miserable without having to handle her. So that was good. So, that night Husband and I layed on the couch for awhile and then went to bed. We both called into work the next day. And we just played with Chloe outside as much as possible. We actually started to feel better, but then Husband started noticing red dots on his hands. And that night we both developed a sore throat. His was a lot worse, so he went to Urgent Care. They gave him Zpac for Strep....but then the next day he developed a rash on his face...that happened while I took myself to Urgent Care for my sore throat. But I hadn't developed the rash yet. But that came along throughout the day. By Sunday we were both covered on our hands and feet. I had it pretty bad in my throat.

Monday we both still had the rash, so we had to call into work. I took Chloe to day care. So Husband is working from home, and I have allllll day to do nothing but blog. So that makes me happy. I'll be able to play catch up and hopefully get some posts written up. And maybe start reading Fifty Shades Darker. I finished 50 Shades last night! Yay!!