On Saturday I met a good friend at Jungle Java with her 6 year old son Tyler and 23 month old son Logan. It was such a good time and so good to let the kiddies play together. And Melissa had never met Chloe! Crazy, I know. We had always had plans, or intentions on getting together, but for some reason or another it just never happened. So, we lets the kids play and we sat and chit chatted over some coffee. Such a good time and good to see and talk to Melissa. I think we should make that a thing like every other weekend or something. Chloe loved it and had SO MUCH fun! She almost fell asleep on the way home.
*Warning-there is a little something weird in the pic in the upper right hand corner....don't worry. There aren't any ghosts haunting my baby girl. I accidentally hit the "ghostly" pic on my camera app...LOL!*
So, girl loves her a slide! Like, LOVES! She must have went down the slide about 8526458921 times! I swear. She went down forward facing, backwards and on her belly!! Crazy girl!
They also had like ceramic or something animals. She loved riding the Zebra! See, I'm not the one obsessed with Zebra. It's ALLLLL her! LOL! And there was this thing that looked like a water hole with a slide around the side of it. She really liked that thing too.
Melissa and I indulged in some good coffees. I had a cinnabun something or other, and boy oh boy was that tasty! She had a black chery thing. She said it was really good. Chloe had some snacks. Mamma got some Bosco sticks. Mmmm...
That was it! We played for about an hour and a half. That was when Chloe was just getting too tired to play anymore and just wanted to run around. I was done chasing her. LOL! So we left, picked up some Wendy's for lunch and headed home.
That was our Saturday Morning!

Crystal, I LOVE your new look!
I started a game with you on {draw something} - come play!!!
Yep that looks fun!!!
I think we're a few weekends behind on this... ;)
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