Husband texted me on Wednesday afternoon and said, "It feels really good to be down 18 lbs! I think it's time to start working out now."
Sounds good to me! I'm thinking like every other night? Yep....that's the plan. We're going to start tonight. Hopefully, if Chloe goes down to bed at a normal time. We will be able to get a workout in before we eat dinner. So that will be nice. And I'm really excited.
Wednesday at work is Weight Watchers weigh in day. I weighed in at 124.6. So that means I'm down a total of 13 something. Omg, I'm like overly excited about that! And, as you read above, Husband is down 18!
I went into the lunch room at work for my afternoon coffee fix and there was a lady in there eating lunch. She knew me before, during and obviously after having Chloe. So, she looked at me and said "You don't have a butt anymore Crystal. But, you're looking really good! Keep up the good work." Well, gee....THANKS! I have no butt, and well, I have tube socks for boobs. Yep, so there's that.
So, how have I been able to lose this weight and keep losing it if we haven't been working out at all!? Well, in all honesty...I don't really know. I haven't really been doing anything but keeping track {sometimes} of what I'm eating through My Fitness Pal. That App has been my God Send. Without it, I wouldn't have ever started this journey. I try to keep myself pretty on beat through the week. Eating a nice low cal breakfast. Either oatmeal, bagel thins and fat free cream cheese, or just a cup of cheerios. And then I have been eating an apple for a snack before lunch so that I'm not starving by the time 1:00 hits. And then for lunch it's either soup, Smart Ones or Lean Cuisines. And that's it. And then sometimes, if I remember, I'll have an orange sometime between lunch and before I leave work. That usually holds me over until dinner around 7:30-8ish. But sometimes I don't remember to eat my orange, and I'm starving by the time dinner comes. So then I just have to pace myself and force myself to not snack after dinner....and that's really tough sometimes. But I just remind myself that if I snack, I gain weight. And we don't want that to happen! Ick, I will NEVER go back to the {bigger} me. Uh Uh, NO WAY!
Another one of my secrets is to give myself a cheat day. One day that I don't track my calories. One day that I just try not to care about what I eat. Obviously within moderation. Sometimes we will have Burger King for lunch, or McDonald's for breakfast or something. So, it's nothing huge. But just something that we both hate to love! And it seems to be working for the both of us.
One thing we are both excited for though, is for when we get to move into our new house. It's a colonial. Which means all the bedrooms are upstairs. And we will have the room to work out and the capabilities of utilizing our basement for that. Eeek! I'm so excited! I really want to buy a yoga ball and maybe a mat and some weights. And a bunch of work out DVD's. I'm so crazy excited about it!
Well, I think that's it for now my loves.

1 comment :
Good job girl! YOu're gonna hit 115 before you know it!
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