We're done Smoking

Husband and I have made the great decision to quit smoking. And today is that day! We smoked our last few smokes last night...and we're done. It's been time for a long time now.We used to be full time smokers for 10 years. Both of us. And that doesn't make me sound very good. If you do the math correctly, that means I was a smoker since I was just 13 years old. We both quit the summer before I got pregnant. The real reason we quit was because Husband thought he was having a heart attack and had be rush him to the hospital one morning. After that, we were DONE! And then we decided to have a baby...so obviously we never started back up. Until that one infamous day called Chloe's first birthday. We had all our friends and family over, and had a great time. With all the drinking going on, and a lot of the friends and family smoking....well. That made it kind of hard for us. Even though it had been over 2 years since our last one...Once the family left, there was a few friends left. And then we noticed that someone left a half pack of smokes on the counter. UGH, are you kidding me!? THAT totally sucks. We would have been FINE if it wasn't for that damn half pack of smokes. We kind of looked at each other like, Oh, NO! Are you serious?! And then we searched high and low for a lighter and lit up! And we have been smoking every day since that day. So it's been 7 months. I told Husband that I really wanted to quit before we started moving. And with Chloe getting older, I don't like her seeing up smoke. It's not a good look, and it's a bad thing to let her see. She would start to think that it's ok. That's NOT good.So, that's it! We're done. No more! Buh Bye Marlboro Ultra Lights! I won't miss you! You haven't been good to me....you aren't healthy for me. And I don't ever want to meet you again.Love,
Good for you! Quitting any habit is difficut, but this will be so worth it :)
Good luck! I'm so proud of you!!! You can do this!
SO PROUD! You can do this!
Yay! So proud of you, Crystal!
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