When I was contacted by Chelsea from Hullabalu, I was like "Hulla-Ba-What?" And then I read stuffed animals, and I was sold! Now, let me tell you, Chloe has a TON of stuffed animals, so when I thought about it for a second, I was like, "Oh, great! Another stuffed animal that will just sit on her bedroom floor with the rest of them that she doesn't play with....."
Well, I'm here to tell you, that I was DEAD wrong! Chloe is IN LOVE with this stuffed animal! She has been since the very second I showed it to her out of the box when we got it in the mail! Her name is Sassy Hippo, and She is so soft and fluffy, I can hardly believe it! And, to top it all off, Chloe has been sleeping with Sassy since the day she got her! Yes! Sleeping! She is in LOVE with this hippo!!! The very first thing she did to it when I gave it to her out of the box was give her a hug and a kiss and say "awwww, I yove Hippo!!"
Here, take a look for yourself and see just how cute this Hippo is!!
She loves it, and I love that she loves it!!!

1 comment :
Awe I love that she loves the hippo :) & its so cute!
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