Wednesday, October 17, 2012

This is OUR Halloween

So, this year, making my way to every single gosh darn kids clothing store I could possibly think of, I couldn't a Halloween costume that I thought would be just perfect for Chloe.....there was the cup cake, the butterfly, the dinosaur, the Wonder Woman, the Minnie name it, we saw it. But none of it really caught our eye. Chloe was sick of shopping, and, frankly, so was I!
So, then I came home and looked through a bag of clothes that we had gotten from a good friend of ours who have Twin Girls. I've talked about them a few times on this here blog.....they are the BEST! So, for starters, not only did Chloe get like a TON of really nice summer and Fall/Winter clothes from them, BUT she also got an Amazingly cute Butterfly Halloween Costume!!!! This Mama couldn't be anymore happy about this! For 1-it's Free!! And for 2-It's SUPER cute! What more could I ask for?!
I wish that I would have been able to get a picture of Chloe wearing it, but we are so busy at night, and last night when I wrote this post up, she was outside with Daddy playing in the leaves (post to come) while I was in the kitchen slaving over the stove making a meal that I wasn't too proud of...hmm.

So, Needless to say, I really can't wait for Halloween this year! She's going to be so cozy and warm and she's going to love running up and down the street yelling Trick-or-Treat and saying "dank you" when people give her candy!
