- We probably aren't getting the Galaxy S 3....we don't want to pay $199 for it :-( Guess we will wait until it goes on sale somewhere.
- I'm kind of way to excited about Fall TV! TVD!! Yay!!!
- Scentsy has been really slow for me in October. I guess I should have known after exceeding $1,000 in September. Lets just hope my 2 parties bring in some $$!
- I have a feeling I have gained a lot of weight this week....I haven't been watching what I'm eating AT ALL, and we did NOT start working out. UGH, whatever, so sue me.
- I kind of wish Chloe had never discovered Barney....gah! I could deal with Mickey 10x over Barney.
- We paid $54 for Chloe's "school pictures"! Seriously?! She's 2, and in DAY CARE!!!! Ugh, SHOOT me! Lucky this girl is so gosh darn cute that I couldn't bare the thought of NOT getting them!
- Chloe's Halloween costume is a hand-me-down butterfly from our friends with Twin Girls! Love them, and love the fact that we didn't pay for a new costume this year! Yea!!!!
- I am patiently waiting for my friend Cassie to have her baby so that I can cure my baby fevah without actually having a baby myself. LOL! She's only like 21 weeks.....the next 20 weeks better FLY by!
That's all I have for this week! Make sure to go link up with Shannon over at Life After I "Dew" and tell us what you're saying SO WHAT! to this week!

1 comment :
Hand me down costumes can be nice because costumes are expensive which to me I think is crazy & insane just like i think gas & grocery prices are insane too blah!Hopefully you do good at the two parties fingers crossed for you :)
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