Tuesday, January 24, 2012

First Real Snow!!!

We got about an inch and a half of snow Friday night. I was SUPER excited to take Chloe out and play in the snow for the first time!! I had bought her a new snow suit and all!! She was all ready to go! So I though...LOL! So, Saturday afternoon, we got her up from her nap. Got her all ready to go with her snow pants and matching jacket. She got some new snow boots....she was all set. Got her all dressed, and well....she did not want anything to do with it! She was NOT having it. I'm not sure if it was the cold, or if it was just that she had just woken up from her nap, or if she was hungry...idk. But she wouldn't let me put her down. So, here are some pictures that I took....she was cute, until we got outside. Take a look...

But, here is before we got outside.

Well...there you have it. She liked the suit, just not the snow...LOL! We will try again some other time.



Shannon Dew said...

her and KP have the same hat and snowsuit, too funny!

Amanda said...

Chloe is ADORABLE! Love all the faces.