When I got to day care, Chloe walked up to me and just didn't look right...she looked sad. That's really the only way that I could describe it. And one of the ladies said that she all of a sudden just started acting a little off the past few minutes. So I picked her up, and she just laid her head of my shoulder. I signed her out, gathered her things and we were on our way. I strapped her in the car seat and headed out. About 5 minutes into the drive, out of no where she just started screaming. For no reason. Like weird....and then Boom...vomit! All down the front of her. Like Whoa! Where did that come from??? After she got it out, she seemed fine. When we got home, I quickly gave her a bath, and then tried to feed her some dinner. But she just didn't seem right. She didn't want to eat. Normally that's the first thing she wants to do. I offered her some cheerios, she ate a few, and then a little while later, she puked again. Something is wrong here...and I don't like it. She's been sick for the past fucking week. Like really? Now what could it be?! Is there something wrong with my little girl? I just can't take anymore of this. My body just can't handle worrying about her like this.
We put her to bed and she slept for a few hours before she woke up puking again. We cleaned her bed up and cuddled her a little bit and put her back down. Thank God she slept through the night! Me, however, did not. I couldn't stop coughing...I thought I was dying. It was horrible....but whatever. I ended up having to suck on a cough drop at 1 in the morning to be able to fall asleep. It was bad.
So, Chloe woke up at like 6am Saturday morning, and Husband got up with her. He fed her some breakfast and gave her some milk...and then she puked again. But that was the last time. She was vomit free all day Saturday. She didn't eat/drink much. Mostly just some bananas, cheerios and bread. And a little bit of water here and there. But that's it. But she was able to keep it down. So that's all that really matters. We were able to give her a bath, and she didn't scream or throw a tantrum at all!! So that's really good!
Sunday was all about showing our house to someone that wants to potentially rent it and going grocery shopping.
So there's my weekend in a nutshell...hope you guys had it a little better then we did!

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