This week I'm saying so WHAT if:
- Sometimes I am that Mom that walks behind Chloe and picks up the toys that she drops behind her...yea, I'm a little OCD
- I took full advantage of being sick on Sunday. I took my first afternoon nap in a LONG time!! And it felt DAMN good!
- We took our Christmas tree down on Sunday....whatever! The holidays are OVER! Thank God!
- We had probably 2 weeks worth of laundry over the weekend that needs to be hung up...and it was ALL on our bed until we decided to conquer it on Saturday night.
- I bought Chloe a pink sock monkey for Christmas...kind of only for myself because I thought it was cute. She hasn't really played with it at all.
- We have musical greeting cards sitting out on the table from like the past 2 years because Chloe likes to dance to them!
- I know Christmas just came and went, but now I'm kind of looking at buying myself a Kindle....
- I bought myself some Easy Tone shoes over the summer for the use on my Treadmill....but since I haven't been on the treadmill, I've just been wearing them when I go to the store. I guess something is better then nothing. LOL
- I'm like giddy excited for the new Vampire Diaries to start tomorrow!! EEEEEK!!!!
Well loves! I think that's it for me this week. We will see you all back here next week. Now, go link up with Shannon!!

You and my mom are both excited for Vampire Diaries! LOL
I'm super excited for the Vampire Diaries!!! LOVE Damon :)
Pink Sock Monkey = CUTENESS
New follower :)
I keep hearing all of this hype about VD - was on the phone with my best friend yesterday (who is usually NEVER a vampire type girl...) and she was on Netflix catching up on past seasons! She is totally hooked...
And I just bought a Kindle Fire yesterday - BEST PURCHASE of my life. I'm obsessed :)
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