Monday, January 23, 2012

House Update

So, the last posts I posted about the house that we were looking at. As good as it looked from the bedrooms and the kitchen, it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. After having Husbands Step Dad look through it thoroughly, there was a lot of things that were not "code". Basement mainly. Just wasn't good at all. So, needless to say. We didn't end up making an offer on that house.
I know that I was making a big deal about that house....but to us, without having the professional eye look at it, it was good. In reality, it was staged really good. That's what made us fall in love with it. So, the search continues. 
We went out looking yesterday, and we found another house that we REALLY like. Only problem, it MIGHT be already pending a contract. So we are having our real estate agent look into it and hopefully maybe it's not, and we can make an offer. We are seriously in love with this house, and it needs to be ours. So we're hoping that we get good news today when she emails us the info. I will not give you any details about the house. I won't be posting any pictures or anything until we know for sure that we are able to make an offer. I don't want to get my heart set on this place. We're both really interested. The location, the price and the size of the house are just perfect for our family. Wide open floor plan, and amazing basement. That's all I will tell you right now.
In regards to my blog, I haven't had any time to write up the posts that I really want to blog, so this week I'll get on that and make this blog worth reading. I know that as of late, all I've been writing about is house hunting. Well, that's because that all we have been doing. We are on a time crunch with people wanting to rent and wanting to move in on March 16th. So we need to get our butts OUTTA here!
So, I just want to say that I do apologize for my lack of blogging anything interesting here lately, but I promise, if you stick with me, you will not be disappointed. I've got some good shit up my sleeve, and I hope to be able to work on my posts more this week. I'm trying my best to not leave a day postless...and I think I've done a pretty good job of that. I know they may not be as interesting as you would like, but I've got good stuff coming. So, just bare with me. Wish us luck that we get good news on this house that we want, and we're able to put an offer in!
Thanks Loves!
