This week I'm saying SO WHAT! if:
- I have posted pictures of houses that aren't mine...Monday's post I was just letting you know what we were seeing. And well...yesterday, we're hoping that it's THE ONE! And if it is...well, you will just have to wait and see!
- I have a draft of a post called "First Snow". Yes, we have already had our first snow. It was this past weekend. And I was going to take pictures of Chloe playing in it. But, we didn't go out.
- Monday, we went house hunting, and got home around 7pm. And I had full intentions of giving Chloe a bath and all that. But her eyes were so heavy when I was changing her, I decided to just slip her into her jammies, and away into dreamland she went. No bath...oh well..shoot me.
- Husband is back in school. We had like 3 weeks of no school over the holidays. And now with him back in the books, it gives me time to blog and maybe catch up on my reading!
- Today is my first REAL day of Weight Watchers. And this past week...I haven't done so good. That's ok, cuz today starts it all!!
- I'm really excited to move, but I'm nervous to go through all the stuff up in the attic that I haven't seen in 6 years. Should I go through it, or just throw it away?? Hmm...I guess we will find out.
- The thing I'm most nervous about moving, is my cat. I'm just scared about her having to get used to a new house, new smells, and a new location for her litter box. Wish us luck on that!
- I'm talking about moving and we haven't even set in stone that we're moving...hehe!! Excited much?!
I think that's it for me for now. So head on over to Shannon's Life After I "Dew" and Link Up!!

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