Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Picture vomit

Just thought I'd share with you some pictures of our weekend. Chloe was a little under the weather, and well...so was I. But we made it through the weekend, and we actually made it to midnight NYE! So we did really good. 
So, here are just some pictures that I snapped over our pretty uneventful weekend.
She still wasn't feeling very good...poor girl!

We got a little behind on the laundry....oh well. We were all sick for a week!

I was able to get her hair in little pig tails!! She looks sad, but I promise it's just the quality of the pic...she wasn't crying!

I've always been able to do the ones on top of the head...but never these kind!

And just for good measure, here is one I took of myself at work last week...cute, huh? That was before I came down with the sickies...

I hope that everyone had a great weekend! I can't wait to start off this year with a bang! Make sure to read tomorrow's post. I took some pictures of myself to start my "lose the rest of my weight" journey. So we can all see where I'm at right now.
