Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So What! Wednesday!

Linking up with Shannon over at Life After I "Dew" for another week of SWW!
This week I'm saying SO WHAT! If:
  • I was way over my calories on Sunday. But I don't care. And I don't even know how much over I was because I didn't count. But I had an amazing dinner at the in-laws WITH cake! So that's that! It was my Birfday!!!!
  • My last 3 tattoos have all been exactly 6 months apart.
  • The last tattoo I got I told husband that was the last! Oh well....
  • I told Husband not to get me anything for my birthday because I was getting my tattoo...and he got me a Pandora bracelet, and I love it! *hehe*
  • I was off work Monday for my birthday and I let Husband take Chloe to Day Care.  
  • I'm excited that I had to get an enhanced license on Monday because I don't want to pay for a passport to go to Maine....bonus for me cuz I got to get a new pic. My hair is A LOT longer then it was when I took my last license pic!!
  • I was mad that Husband was sick for Friday night and Saturday. But he was better Saturday night, so I forgave him. The Pandora bracelet helped too.
  • I have a new obsession....and it's Draw Something....omg, I can't get enough. But I am a HORRIBLE artist! LOL!
Well, I think that's all for now girls! Go link up with Shannon and say SO WHAT! to the weeks happenings.



Shannon Dew said...

You have to have a passport to go to Maine!? WHAT!?? Umm and you totally are allowed to eat WHATEVER when it's your birthday {week}!

Melissa said...

So is your license photo totally hot, because I was your photo coach?? :D