- A few months ago I bought the new Olay Venus razor....Well, it sucks! So, I went out and bought the new Shick Silk razor...and I love it!
- We invited over 40 people to Chloe's birthday party because we know that a good handful won't show!
- I worked my ass off last week to get a week and a half of blogging done so that I could get back into my reading so I can finally finish 50 Shades!
- I splurged and got my blog design redone. And I love it!
- I'm really thinking about getting another Erin Condren Life Planner for 2013....It's just the expense of it that I don't like.
- I have only been in my basement a handful of times since we moved into our house....I don't like basements. But I'm gonna have to start getting used to it so that I can start using my treadmill again.
- Chloe's room isn't going to get painted until December. Boo to that, but I won't have any help doing it, and And Andy refuses to do ANY house remod until his week off between Christmas and New Year.
- I'm considering using Chloe's 1st birthday hat for her 2nd birthday. I just need to carefully take the 1 off of it. Thanks for the idea Shannon!!
- I still don't know what I'm going to get Chloe for her birthday....any suggestions??
- I wake up early enough to give me time to blog in the morning...I could probably wake up like a half hour later if I wanted to. But a girls gotta do what a girl gotta do!
- I usually try and eat chicken caesar salad day before weigh in for dinner, but last night, that wasn't the case. I threw a pizza in the oven and called it a day!
I think that's all for me Ladies. Go link up with Shannon over at Life After I "Dew"!!

Our treadmill is in the basement too and it took me so long to get over the creepyness factor. Thankfully we have windows down there so there's at least some natural light coming in. Once you're in the zone, it's easy to forget about it though.
great! I just bought the Venus olay! haha
annnnnd I want my blog redone anddd the planner! just don't want to pay the $$$$ for things I could possibly do myself! ugh!!
I'm all about giving children's books as gifts. They always have plenty of toys they'll out grow, but the books will stay with them for years. Popping in from So What Wednesday.
I love your blog design!!
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